Motskhaleba Foundation

We helped Ukrainian citizens in Georgia and other countries to get help and start a new life.
Almost 15 million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their country since the beginning of the war. At least 150,000 of them have arrived on Georgian territory. This may seem like a small number, but for a small country it is a very tangible burden. Many of these people ended up here after being forcibly deported to Russia from Mariupol, Melitopol or Kherson, and were in particular need of assistance and rehabilitation. Some of them later moved to other countries where they received support from our foundation outside Georgia.

Our projects

Info help
We helped Ukrainian citizens to orientate themselves in Georgia (and later in other countries), find free food, basic necessities, accommodation, and medical and legal assistance. In addition, we assisted those who had been forcibly deported to leave Russian Federation.
amilies have contacted us via telegram bot since the war started
consultations are carried out by our telegram-bot team every month
sections in our Memo for Ukrainian
citizens in Georgia
subscribers in the telegram channel
Living and rehabilitation
Until October 2023, the shelter ‘House on the Mountain’, created by our Foundation, was functioning in Tbilisi. We provided four-week accommodation for the most vulnerable categories of people: women with children, the elderly and those with special medical needs. Our team of psychologists and mentors assisted with rehabilitation, provided legal counselling and helped with planning for the future.
people managed to live in the "House on the mountain"

Motskhaleba team

Yulia Koshelyaeva

Journalist for
Current Time media outlet
Ekaterina Chigaleichik
Head of the information department

Founder of the After24 project
Tatiana Burmistrova
Head of psychology department

+ 30 volunteers from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Russia
Lawyer, HR, psychologist, SMM specialist, designer, information editors, fact-checkers from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and other countries

Help other organisations

Our foundation has finished its work and no longer needs support. However, other organisations continue to help and you can support them.
Regular donations are particularly important as they enable these organisations to plan their expenditure and provide help more efficiently.
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